React Animation Libraries I Recommend for Beginners
Hello Reader! This article goes into React-Spring and AOS.
- React-Spring
React-Spring is a wonderful library that is creates physics based animations to create wonderful UI animations for all your applications needs. This library also supports react-native and react-native-web.
2. AOS (Animate on Scroll Library)
AOS is a super easy implementation of on-scroll animations for your react apps’ needs. The documentation is so easy to follow and here is a youtube video for further explanation.
3. React Transition Group
This is a super easy to implement animation library for beginners. There are four components: Transition, CSSTransition, SwitchTransition and TransitionGroup. My only recommendation is to not combine this with React-Spring, it will not work.
4. React Move
With 6.3K stars on Github, this is a pretty popular library for all your animation needs! Compatible with HTML, SVG and React-Native, this library packs a punch for creating all your animation needs.
5. D3.js
D3 is another animation library that has 97.3K stars. This library is great for animating graphs and charts in your application. This is another library that can bring your data to life with SVG, Canvas, and HTML.