Depth First Search (Javascript)

Crystal Villanueva
2 min readMar 16, 2022


Let’s get into it.

When we traverse a tree with DFS, we are searching the bottommost level of the tree and then returning to the root from left to right.

To create a tree:

class Node {
constructor(val) {
this.val = val;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;

Then add your values to a tree:

const a = new Node (1)const b = new Node (2)const c = new Node (3)const d = new Node (4)const e = new Node (5)a.left = ba.right = cb.left = db.right = e        1
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5

Once your tree is configured, you can traverse it (here it is iteratively):

const DFS = (root) => {
//make an empty array to house the root
let queue = [root]
//create an empty array to house the visited values
let stack = []
//create a while loop and the logic: "while the stack is greater than 0" while (queue.length > 0) {

//create a variable = to the popped off iteration
let current = queue.pop()
//push the visited value into the stack
//loop through the left and right if there is a left and right
if (current.left) {
//if there is a left, push it into the stack
if (current.right) {queue.push(current.right)}} return stack

Here is the recursive version!

const DFS = (root) => {
//create your base case(s)
if (root === null) return [] //create your variables that recursively call the left and right let left = DFS(root.left)
let right = DFS(root.right)

//use the spread operator to return an array of the current //value, the left and the right values
return [root.val, ...left, ..right]}

Happy hacking!



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